Energy Labeling and Standard for Electric Lamp Ballast in Iran

R. Effatnejad and S. Shahidi (Iran)


Ballast, Energy Effecinecy Lable, Rating, Energy Consumption Index


Energy management is becoming the imoprtant issues todays. Providing energy consumtion standard for energy intensive equipments is mentioned a way to Demand Side Management (DSM). Due to relatively large portion electrical energy consuming of lighting at the peak hours in resedintial, public and industrial sectors contorory to other application in Iran, applying energy management policy would be very benefical in view of both load management and energy saving for our country. In this way, after establishing of energy consumption standard for electrical lamps in Iran, Ballast is mentioned as the major electrical energy consumer in lighting portion. In this work, we introduce energy consumption standard provided for electronic & magnatic ballasts of fluorescent lamps in our county. Also, we presented the energy saving and cost saving of exacuting of this standard in Iran.

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