Concept of the Solar-Hydel Hybrid µPower Tandem

N. Khan, Z. Saleem, M.A. Mirza, and A. Majeed (Pakistan)


Renewable energy, Solar cells, Hydroelectricity, Alternative Fuels, Wind energy, Hybrid power.


Results of an experimental study of a combined solar panels and waste rainwater based hydroelectric power plant are reported as the least economic option for electrifying remote inaccessible hilly areas. This renewable energy study was initiated by installing a thirty watts solar power station along with thirty watts hydro power generator. Output of the solar and hydro power plants were connected in parallel to charge a 105 Ampere-Hour DC battery bank. The output of the DC battery was converted to 220V AC for commercial use by a 500 watts inverter. Both the systems had an installed average capacity of some 12V and 2.5A each that gave an average output of about 30 watts at a time. The solar power plant consisted of three amorphous silicon (cheapest available) panels each of 12V, 0.95A ratings. Solar panels were mounted on a fixed trapezoidal steal structure laid such as one solar panel faces the sun at about 90 degree at a time. The 12V, 3A DC hydropower generator was belt driven by a narrow channel water fueled turbine. Solar electricity charged batteries in sunny weather whilst hydroelectricity in rainy weathers. Most interestingly the cost of this Solar Hydro Tandem µpower plant was about Rupees 27,000 plus GST. This whole constitutes A Standalone Micropower Alternative.

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