A New Approach for the Solution of Economic Load Dispatch using Fuzzy Logic Controller

A.B. Beevi and R. Iyer (India)


Economy load dispatch, Fuzzy logic controller, Real generation, Reactive generation, Supervisory control and Data acquisition system (SCADA).


This paper outlines the new economic dispatch model that deals with scheduling of generating stations when load occurs. Power generating scheduling is very important aspect of power system engineering. At present the scheduling is done human operators at the load dispatch centers with the help of SCADA. Data is monitored continuously on SCADA and is used to prepare power schedule on each day. Each day load forecasting is done for the next day, based on the previous data for 3-4 years. The problem with this method is that it does take in to account of any unpredictable factors. Because of this on many occasions the scheduling is not perfect. This results in loss of power, lower efficiency and high cost of generation. This paper describes a novel and efficient method with the scheduling of generating station when load occurs. Here factors like rain at the generating station, amount of water in the reservoir and amount of water required to generate one unit of power at each generating station connected to the grid are taken into consideration. These factors are used as input to a fuzzy controller which gives a cost, real generation and reactive generation as output. The validity and effectiveness of designing the controller has been applied to more generating stations and the result s presented and discussed.

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