Dangerous Situation Awareness Support System for Elderly People with Dementia

G. Tsuruma, H. Kanai, T. Nakada, and S. Kunifuji (Japan)


Elderly Person with Dementia, Group Home, Prevention of Accidents, Awareness, Ubiquitous Computing


“Group Home” is a type of home-based care service for the elderly people in Japan who suffer from dementia. Some times, accidents occur in daily life at home. Elderly people with dementia Þnd it is difÞcult to notice certain dangers because of their aging process. In this study, we focus on risk aversion methods. The method alerts the elderly peo ple to risks. We develop a system that enhances their risk perception. Therefore, they will be able to avoid certain dangerous situations. In this paper, we present the struc ture of the system and its prototype. The system performs three components; (1) it recognizes the behavior and sit uation of the elderly person, (2) it estimates the risk, and (3) it notiÞes the person about the risk when it is estimated to be high. A sensing device is used for the Þrst function. In this research, we use an ultrasonic position detector to recognize an elderly person’s situation. The risk estimation is performed based on Semantic Web technologies such as OWL and RDF. Risk notification is realized using a moving projector and speaker.

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