Remote Gesture Visualization for Efficient Distant Collaboration using Collocated Shared Interfaces

F. Coldefy and S. Louis-dit-Picard (France)


Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Devices and display systems, tools and interaction techniques


Remote gesture visualization contributes to the efficiency of distant collaboration tasks because it enables the coor dination among participant's actions and talk. This paper presents an efficient collaborative system combining Com puter Vision Techniques and Collaborative Tools applied to multi-site connected shared table interfaces (MERL Di amond Touch). This platform provides a fluid gesture visualization of each distant participant on or above the tactile table, whether he/she is moving virtual digital ob jects or is intending to do so. Our main contribution ad dresses technical improvements in the domain of the ” side by side” metaphor for Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), in terms of real time computer vision pro cessing, robustness, constraint relaxation on lightning con ditions and shared workspace content (images, videos, ma nipulation of windows). This system may be extended to any kind of interactive displays (projection screens or tac tile PC monitors

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