H. Mayer, I. Nagy, A. Knoll, E.U. Braun, and R. Bauernschmitt (Germany)
haptic interface, keyframing, robotic surgery, bi-manual in terface, human-robot interface
In this paper a system for robotic heart surgery is presented, which provides force feedback and semi-automatic perfor mance of certain surgical tasks. In order to operate this system, a variety of human-computer interactions are nec essary for which we have implemented and evaluated cor responding interfaces. Since we are dealing with a telep resence system, it is essential to provide the user with as much immersion as possible. This comprises at least inter faces for manual input, vision and haptics. The main focus of the following paragraphs will be on an interface for in teraction with the robotic system. This interface is based on a keyframing approach like it is used in computer an imation. The user can interact with a realistic 3D-model of the scenario. Within this virtual environment it is pos sible to drag the end-effectors of the system to certain po sitions and save them as keyframes. Afterwards, different interpolation techniques can be used to accomplish move ments from keyframe to keyframe. Since not all configura tions within the virtual environment are technically feasi ble, inverse kinematics and collision detection prevents the user from executing harmful movements. Beside this of fline planning of trajectories, the proposed interface is also capable of real-time interactions with the robotic system.
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