Fuzzy Logic-based Cross-Layer Controller for Scalable Video Streaming

J. Vehkaperä, M. Myllyniemi, and J. Peltola (Finland)


Multimedia communication, fuzzy control, cross-layer, scalable video


In this paper, we propose a fuzzy logic-based application layer controlling algorithm for scalable video streaming to adjust the bit rate of transmitted video utilizing cross layer feedback information collected from the physical, network, and application layers. The proposed controlling algorithm adapts the bit rate and the frame rate of the scalable video bitstream according to information about the transmission conditions in order to utilize the available transmission capacity more efficiently. The proposed cross-layer controlling algorithm for wireless communication has been integrated into a cross layer simulation platform and the results achieved when using the algorithm together with evolving scalable video coding standard H.264/SVC indicate that the proposed algorithm provides a good and fast adaptability into changing wireless channel conditions.

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