Heterogeneous Associative Cache for Multimedia Applications

Y. Xie, Y. Zhang, and D. Wang (PRC)


Heterogeneous, cache, H.264, motion compensation


The off-chip memory communication is often a critical part of a video processing system. Traditional cache usually behaves poor since some video algorithms such as H.264 motion compensation tend to access memory in an inefficient way. Based on the analysis of cache line fetch efficiency, we find out that more than 10% fetches are inefficient. In this paper, we propose a Heterogeneous Associative Cache (HA Cache) architecture, in which there is an additional special way with a smaller cache line size, special mapping strategy and replacement policy. This scheme can effectively reduce power, cache space, and bandwidth wasted on useless data. By adding a special way to the traditional 2-way set-associative cache (with 1/8 cache size increase), the HA Cache can save up to 10% memory access. In most cases, it is even better than doubling the traditional cache size.

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