Two Unconstrained Methods for Blood Pressure Monitoring in a Ubiquitous Home Healthcare

J.S. Kim, K.K. Kim, Y.G. Lim, and K.S. Park (Korea)


Telemedicine, pulse arrival time, blood pressure, unconstrainedly, ubiquitous home healthcare.


We proposed two unconstrained methods for blood pressure monitoring in a ubiquitous home healthcare. Instead of a conventional oscillometric method, unconstrained pulse arrival time was used. Pulse arrival time is the time delay between Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Photoplethysmogram (PPG). In first method, ECG and PPG could be unconstrainedly obtained in a computer desk environment. In second method, ECG and PPG could be measured in a toilet seat unconstrainedly. The relationship between systolic blood pressure and pulse arrival time was investigated with several experiments. Additionally, the potential of pulse arrival time for blood pressure monitoring was validated in a practical application in a daily life. It showed that these methods were useful for the long term monitoring in a telemedicine.

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