Some Considerations about an Experimental Modelling of the vas deferens Physiology

C. Tanase (Ireland)


Experimental testing, model, vas deferens, constriction device and positioning controlling system


The paper deals with an experimental model, which describes the physiological environment within the vas deferens. For this purpose, special testing equipment is built and includes the following components: a positioning controlling system, a constriction device and a flexible tubing. The model is applied for a non-invasive reversible vasectomy procedure based on a new medical device, but it may be used to test and to develop other occluding devices implanted on the vessels of the human body with similar properties. By taking into consideration the migration potential of the implant in contact with the sperm propelled by the vas deferens muscles, the device effectiveness is investigated. In order to achieve the device improvement different shapes for the implant head are designed and experimentally tested.

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