Application of Advanced Computational Modelling in the Comparison of Stent Induced Coronary Flow Disturbances

J. Murphy and F. Boyle (Ireland)


Computational fluid dynamics, wall shear stress, and stents


Coronary stent implantation can improve blood flow in an artery narrowed by the build up of arterial plaque. However, the haemodynamic effect of stent placement is unclear and may influence arterial restenosis (re-blockage). In this investigation computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to predict the non-Newtonian three-dimensional flow field in a coronary artery following implantation of two different stents. A graphical illustration of the stented areas affected to various degrees of wall shear stress (WSS) is presented for both the Palmaz-Schatz (PS) and the Gianturco-Roubin-II (GR-II) coronary stents. The axial WSS and wall shear stress gradient (WSSG) is also presented graphically over one stent strut for each stent. Finally, a comparison is drawn between the CFD results and restenosis data from a clinical trial.

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