Stochastic Models for VoIP Traffic and Their Applications

A. Biernacki (Poland)


Communications, Performance Evaluation, Queuing Sys tems, Modelling and Simulation, Resource Allocation


The concept of multiplexing voice traffic sent over IP pro tocol (VoIP) on a common channel for efficient utilisation of the transmission link capacity is a great concern to net work engineers. A VoIP gateway allocates a channel ca pacity that lies between the average and peak rates of traf fic intensity and buffers the traffic during periods when de mand exceeds channel capacity. In this work we propose two models which are able to approximate multiplexed VoIP traffic generated by a number of independent sources. The models are based on Markov processes and they dif fer in complexity and approximation accuracy. We apply these models to analysis of VoIP gateway performance us ing fluid flow modelling techniques. We give occupancy distribution of packets in a VoIP gateway buffer.

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