Effects of Hotspots on Throughput in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, and I.-H. Chen (Taiwan)


mobile ad hoc network, hotspots, powerful relay, delay based, energy based, preferential mobility based.


In this paper, we study effects of hotspots on throughput in mobile ad hoc networks. A hotspot is a node causing network congestion. We first describe three types of hotspots: (a) delay-based, (b) energy-based, and (c) preferential-mobility-based. Nodes may exhibit delay or energy problems if an accident occurs in mobile ad hoc networks. Furthermore, certain nodes may be attractive to other nodes to follow them. Different types of hotspots may have different effects on network performance. We discuss effects of hotspots by various properties such as number of hotspots, clustering, placement, degree, etc. Powerful relays are useful to improve performance degradation due to hotspots. At last, we discuss performance of hotspots with powerful relays.

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