Definition of a MCDM Model for Improving the Public Transportation Concept in the City of Skopje

A. Lazarevska (Macedonia)


Modelling, Public Transportation, Decision Making Theory, Multi Criteria Decision Making Modelling, Environmental Modelling


А procedure for modelling, analyzing, addressing and assessing a particular problem defined as “Improving the public transportation concept in the city of Skopje” by utilizing the concept of the Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is presented. MCDM refers to solving conflicting and multidimensional problems where it is necessary to identify, understand, address and solve conflicts and to provide options for their trading-off. The public transportation in the City of Skopje is an identified, long existing and complex problem. A survey is designed to aggregate stakeholders’ preferences with reference to the identified and defined problem. Results from the initial stage of this survey are presented, referring to the proposed and defined set of objectives and criteria in the MCDM model, as well as the initial stakeholders’ preferences corresponding the set of objectives and criteria. Further steps towards proposing final solution/decision addressing the defined problem are identified.

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