Simulation Language for Analysis of Discrete-Continuous Electrical Systems (SESL2)

Z. Głowacz and A. Głowacz (Poland)


modelling, discrete-continuous electrical systems, SESL2 simulation language


The SESL2 simulation language permits to analyze the discrete-continuous electrical systems using variable and constant structure methods. The language contains standard operations representing semiconductor elements: diode, thyristor, transistor and others. User’s operations and submodels are allowed as well. There is possibility of location of switching instants with determined accuracy. Among integration methods the implicit methods with large region of stability are included. Processor of SESL2 language converts the user’s source program into FORTRAN statements and passes them to the FORTRAN compiler. The resulting object code is then loaded with the SESL2 library and executed. The SESL2 simulation language has been applied to investigations of emergency states of rolling mill discrete-continuous electrical system with 2H semiconductor converter.

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