Electricity Distribution Networks Planning with Energy Efficiency Programs

I.J. Ramírez-Rosado, E. Tarancón-Andrés, L.A. Fernández-Jiménez, E. García-Garrido, P.J. Zorzano-Santamaría, E. Zorzano-Alba, P. Lara-Santillán, and M. Mendoza-Villena (Spain)


Demand Side Management, energy saving and energy efficiency, power distribution networks, optimal design.


This paper presents a methodology to evaluate and analyze the beneficial effects in electric power distribution networks deriving from the implementation of different energy efficiency DSM programs (Demand Side Management strategies corresponding to the use of the best end-use appliances from the best technological energy efficiency standpoint). These positive effects were quantified using a novel optimal planning model application in different Spanish residential-commercial power distribution networks; the model was used to simulate the different DSM strategies. The computer results obtained showed that the DSM programs studied normally yield remarkable technical, energy, economic and environmental benefits. The DSM strategies included in this paper have achieved improvements in terms of lower economic cost of the distribution system, a better electric service quality for electricity consumers (better distribution voltage levels for these consumers) and important electric energy savings, and therefore potential fuel savings and positive environmental effects. All these benefits of DSM programs increase as these DSM programs become much more intense.

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