Constrained Finite Time Optimal Controller for the Depth Plane Motion of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

G. Nikolakopoulos and N.J. Roussos (Greece)


Constrained Finite Time Optimal Control, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Depth Plane Control.


In this paper a Constrained Finite Time Optimal Controller (CFTOC) for depth plane motion of an Autonomous Un derwater Vehicle (AUV) is presented. The controller is designed based on a simplified linearized model that de scribes the rigid body dynamics of the AUV and it is able to take under consideration factors that degrade the per formance of the controlled vehicle such as: a) the phys ical and mechanical constraints of the system that in the sequence are translated as constraints in the states of the model, the control effort, and the system's response, b) the disturbances introduced by the sensing elements, and c) the additive uncertainty due to modelling errors. The utilized model of the AUV includes all the external forces and mo ments produced by the hydrostatics, the hydrodynamic lift and drag, the added mass, the control inputs of the vehicle propeller and Þns. These factors are all deÞned in terms of vehicles coefficients in the AUV's model. The proposed controller is applied in simulations and multiple results that prove the efÞcacy of the proposed scheme are presented.

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