A Success in Robust Control Design foir a Satellite Launcher

Y. Morita (Japan)


Robust control, Control theory, Attitude control.


The robust control design for the M-V launch vehicle has evolved since its first flight in 1997 using H∞ theory through its latest journey in 2006 applying the µ-synthesis. To provide the controller with sufficient robust stability, the H∞ control theory used to be utilized over the stages and its performance was verified by the first two flights. Beyond this established control algorithm, a novel design approach takes its role for the latest four launches. The µ-synthesis is applied for the first time ever for Japan’s launcher control beyond the reliable H∞ control to get better robust characteristics not only in stability but in tracking performance under uncertainty of the system dynamics. The plant dynamics has an extremely high order and unstable characteristics, the standard µ-synthesis cannot be directly applied. To deal with the problem, the standard µ-synthesis approach is modified in a special way to make the process much more efficient. The paper gives an overview of the evolution of the robust control for the M-V rocket.

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