Normalised Expert Knowledge in OSI Management Standard

A. Martín, C. León, and J.I. Guerrero (Spain)


Expert System, TMN, GDMO, Knowledge Representation.


In telecommunication area, the equipment to manage is very diverse, with many different technologies and vendors in the market. This characteristics lead to open solutions for intelligent management that allow interoperability between management systems. In this paper we have carried out a study for the improvement of intelligent administration techniques in telecommunications networks. The traditional expert management uses management knowledge and management information separately. Integrating both elements is the main purpose of our work. This task is achieved by integrating knowledge base of expert system within the management information used to manage a network. For this purpose, an extension of OSI management framework specifications language has been added and investigated in this study. A new property named RULE has also been added, which gathers important aspects of the facts and the knowledge base of the embedded expert system. Networks can be managed easily by using this proposed integration.

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