Experimental Experiences of the Summation of Flicker Contribution from Individual Wind Turbines in a Wind Park

T. Thiringer (Sweden)


Wind Energy, Power Quality, Flicker emission


This paper presents flicker emission measurements from a wind park consisting of seven variable speed wind turbines. The grid flicker level is compared with the calculated con tribution from the wind turbines, and in addition, the in dividual flicker contribution is compared with the summed contribution of all the seven turbines. It is found that the total flicker content produced by the wind park is higher than the value found by using the summation equation given in IEC-61400-21. For the in vestigated wind park the underestimation is 20 % which is lower compared to a previously reported case when using a smaller wind park equipped with fixed-speed wind tur bines. Moreover it is found that on this low flicker level grid, the prediction of grid flicker impact by the wind en ergy installations match the measured grid flicker content very well.

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