Electricity End-Use Intensities in New Construction

K. Tiedemann and I. Sulyma (Canada)


Electricity end-use, energy efficiency, building modelling, regression modelling.


A number of previous studies have examined end-use energy consumption in commercial buildings and residential dwellings. These studies have provided rich information on end-use energy intensities. This study builds on previous work, but it has four unique features. First, end-use consumption estimates are based on modelling of actual buildings rather than modelling of prototypes, thus providing a higher degree of accuracy and transparency than when prototype buildings are modelled. Second, samples of newly constructed buildings were modelled for 1995 and 2005 using the same methodologies, so that changes in end-use consumption over time could be analyzed in detail. Third, customer survey data was used to model participation in an energy efficiency program using discrete choice modelling, so that impacts of new construction energy efficiency programs could be estimated. Fourth, the building modelling results and the discrete choice modelled results were combined in an instrumental variables regression analysis to produce estimated impacts of the energy efficiency program on end-use consumption.

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