Synthetic Nanoscale Motion Devices

M.A. Lyshevski and S.E. Lyshevski (USA)


Molecular machines, motion nanodevices


Molecular machines exist in nature in am enormous variety. Biomolecular axial and radial topology rotational machines, as well as translational motion devices made from proteins, have been examined. We analyze radial topology synthetic nanoscale motion devices. Those devices can be made from carbon nanotubes utilizing surface chemistry. By depositing polymers and organic/inorganic molecules, one can form structures, magnets and windings. The noncontact electrostatic bearings are utilized. The electromagnetic torque is studied analyzing electromagnetics and nonuniform field. The electromagnetic torque is varied controlling the phase voltages applied to the windings. The closed-loop systems are designed ensuring stability, controllability and optimal achievable performance. The proposed devices can be used as nanoactuators in drives and servos. In addition, the proposed machines can be utilized as nanoscale generators to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The permanent-magnet synthetic motion devices reported are envisioned to be utilized in nano- and micro robots, assemblers, propulsors, etc. The fundamental, applied and numerical results are documented reporting possible technological solutions.

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