An Investigation of Usage Intentions for a Clinical Hospital Information System (CHIS) in a Tasmanian Public Hospital

Y. Gu (New Zealand) and P. Turner (Australia)


Usage intention (behavioral intention to use a system, or BI), Clinical Hospital Information System (CHIS), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU).


Although Information Technologies/Information Systems (IT/IS) in healthcare settings have the potential to enable better patient care, a lot of literature reported their 'use failure' during the technology adoption. We explained this usage problem by investigating people’s usage intentions towards a Clinical Hospital Information System (CHIS) in a Tasmanian public hospital. Drawing on IT/IS adoption theories, including Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [1], we conducted a questionnaire survey to study the usage behavior and influential factors. The questionnaire results revealed respondents’ positive system attitude; but exposed some implementation issues (such as inadequate management support and rare user training). External factors (inc. relevant PC experience, management support and user training) are found to possibly affect system usage directly and/or indirectly through usage intentions, system usefulness and ease-of-use perceptions. Based on these findings, we made a few recommendations in order to increase IT/IS usage; e.g. we suggested the technology adopters apply our questionnaire in their user studies.

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