Using an XML File to Test a Distributed Replica Accessing System

J.M. Crichlow, S. Hartley (USA), M. Hosein (Trinidad), and D. Ivins (USA)


Information system management, distributed system, replica management, transaction processing, web services.


In order to increase availability in a distributed system some or all of the data items are replicated and stored at separate sites. This is an issue of key concern especially since there is such a proliferation of wireless technologies and mobile users. We have built a distributed service that manages updates to widely deployed counter-like replicas. The service is built on our distributed concurrency control scheme which combines optimism and pessimism in the processing of transactions. The system is currently used as a prototype and is being tested using data input via an XML file. This is in keeping with the movement towards Web Services and the use of current standard technologies for data representation.

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