Internet Tools and Computer-Aided Diabetes Education: Introducing GIGISim Online

A. Izworski, J. Koleszynska, R. Tadeusiewicz, J. Bulka, and I. Wochlik (Poland)


Telehealth system, Tele-education, Web tools, glucose insulin models, simulation, diabetes therapy.


In this paper we present the newly developed, diabetes dedicated, educational tools compared to existing approaches and solutions. Glucose-Insulin and Glycemic Index Web Simulator (GIGISim) serves as a graphical simulator of postprandial glucose profiles of diabetic individuals, and can be accessed via Internet. Results are based on human carbohydrate metabolism model and influenced by user’s diet. Despite the importance of healthy diet in diabetes mellitus therapy, patients often neglect nutrition recommendations and increasing role of the Glycemic Index (GI). Novel approach developed in presented software includes visualization of Glycemic Index impact on blood glucose variations, which can result in obesity and metabolism diseases. Special attention was given to the development of advanced model adaptation to provide variety of possible user profiles. By choosing meals suggested by the application, patient may keep his blood glucose level as close to non diabetic levels as possible.

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