Scalability of Message-Oriented Middleware in Wireless Environments

P. Pääkkönen and D. Pakkala (Finland)


Message-oriented, middleware, scalability


Middleware extensions to mobile wireless domain from enterprise domain face many challenges, which are mainly caused by differences of the infrastructures and limited resources of mobile terminals. This paper evaluates scalability of a Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) solution aimed to bridge the gap between the domains. The research problem is approached from the message encoding perspective. Results show that binary based message encoding for MOM has better performance compared to Extensible Markup Language (XML). The scalability results have significance in the research field of pervasive Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) as the current SOA designs favor XML based message encoding. The conclusion has been validated with experiments on message parsing and Round Trip Time (RTT) delays on a test-bed implementation in a wireless environment.

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