P2P-based Middleware for EAI Process Integration

G. Sakaryan and H. Unger (Germany)


P2P, B2B, EAI, Middleware, Web Services.


Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) defines a set of technologies, which enables integration of heterogeneous business applications. The integration environment can in clude ”hidden” applications running on hosts behind fire wall and network address translation (NAT) all around the world. Under these circumstances, applying EAI tools, which are mainly developed for local networks with one domain /one addressing scheme paradigm, seems to be a challenging task. This contribution presents a concept of a lightweight platform which enables the integration of ”hid den” applications. It employs a cutting edge peer-to-peer JXTA technology in order to provide a single virtual net work view with DNS-independent addressing. In this way, existing EAI-tools can be used to solve complex multi domain integration tasks. Thus, it can open new possibil ities not only for enterprise-wide integration, but also be tween businesses (B2B). In addition, the platform provides a significant transparency with regard to location, migra tion and replication of applications and utilizes resources of all participating hosts.

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