Optimal Fragmentation for Goodput Enhancement in IEEE 802.11 WLANs

Y. Chang, C.P. Lee, and J.A. Copeland (USA)


Optimal Fragmentation, Goodput, 802.11, and CSMA/CA


The demand for broadband wireless communication has been increasing, and wireless local area networks (WLAN) have provided high data rate, far exceeding that offered by the third generation (3G) networks. To accommodate these requests, wireless systems should work well in typical wireless environments, characterized by path loss of the signals, multi path fading, interference to adjacent channels, and random errors. The IEEE 802.11b uses the unlicensed 2.4GHz industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band, which is vulnerable to noise generated by TVs, microwaves, and cordless phones. In this paper, we propose a simple way to enhance system goodput through the optimal fragmentation. The number of contending stations, packet collisions, packet error probabilities, and fragmentation overheads are modeled in the analysis. Through the rigorous analysis and extensive experiments, we show that the optimal fragmentation enhances the goodput approximately 18.4% in a moderate bit error rate. The proposed optimal fragmentation is a comprehensive and realistic approach as compared with existing work.

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