Generic Architecture for MPLS-TE Routing

I. Chaieb, J.-L. Le Roux, and B. Cousin (France)


MPLS, Traffic Engineering, Routing, Quality-of-Service, Network Architecture


This paper deals with Multi-Protocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering Routing (MPLS-TE Routing) Systems which offer key Traffic Engineering features, including optimization of resources utilization, Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Fast Recovery. Numerous MPLS-TE Routing systems have been defined in the past with their own ad vantages and drawbacks. This paper proposes a generic architecture for MPLS-TE Routing Systems, with the main objective of helping in classification, analysis and improve ment of these systems or the design of new systems. This architecture includes main functions that may be required in an MPLS-TE Routing System. These functions and their interactions are described. Various approaches and options for the implementation and the distribution of these func tions in network elements are qualitatively discussed.

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