A Synthetic Approach Towards the Understanding of Evolution

T. Ishikawa and K. Nakano (Japan)


Ecosystems, Simulation, and Genetic Algorithm.


In this paper, we focus on evolution where diversity of species happens and stable coexistence of them is observed. We have built a simulation model. In our model, each individual loses energy by moving around, gains energy by eating foods, and dies when it exhausts all the energy or lifespan is reached. The individual has three components (eyes, a mouth, and legs). Eyes and Legs have ability levels. As to the mouths, a few types are prepared, and we assume that each type of mouths can digest a specific kind of foods. The genes of the individual specify the ability levels of the eyes and the legs, and a type of the mouth each of which has different energy consumption. A number of individuals were put on the field, and were made to move for certain period, and the remaining energy was measured. Individuals join to multiplication in proportion to the remaining energy. As the result, evolution and the adaptation to the environments occured through generations, and more than one species coexisted in a certain environment. In the real world, many species coexist and hold stability under the environment where one highly adapted species seems to be dominant. This phenomenon has been observed in our simple model.

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