Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Engineering: SHARED-4-Africa Experiences

K. Ross (South Africa)


Information, knowledge, sharing, networking, Knowledge and Information Retrieval 1. The SHARED Technology [1, 3, 4] SHARED Africa uses advanced technology that creates a digital profile, the Conceptual Fingerprint (CFP)1 , of any text that it indexes. The software enables for the rapid abstraction of concepts based on validated knowledge, creating a profile (CFP) from any form of electronic text. Accumulated CFP’s from multiple publications or


[3] “Scientists for Health and Research for Development” is an organizational network based on validated information about ongoing health research, researchers and their institutions. Access to validated information is an essential enabler for stakeholders in the decision making process. Knowledge, which is access to accurate information, provides for an informed and greater capacity for action. These requirements for information, forms the basis for the establishment of an information gateway or sharing point, a central repository of validated information accessible via the internet. At its smallest level the SHARED Network consist of nodes. These nodes are represented by institutions or organizations. At country level these nodes (organizations) are connected to a country focal point. These nodes, connected to a central country focal point, would represent a SHARED Network at country level. All SHARED partner countries would then connect to a central Information Sharing point portal, the AfroSharingPoint portal at Since knowledge is access to information, access to a great variety of information sources could result in an increased capacity for action.

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