A DNA-based Implementation of YAEA Encryption Algorithm

S.T. Amin, M. Saeb, and S. El-Gindi (Egypt)


DNA, encryption, decryption, cryptography, algorithm, data communication security


The fundamental idea behind this encryption technique is the exploitation of DNA cryptographic strength, such as its storing capabilities and parallelism in order to enforce other conventional cryptographic algorithms. In this study, a binary form of data, such as plaintext messages, and images are transformed into sequences of DNA nucleotides. Subsequently, efficient searching algorithms are used to locate the multiple positions of a sequence of four DNA nucleotides. These four DNA nucleotides represent the binary octet of a single plaintext character or the single pixel of an image within, say, a Canis Familiaris genomic chromosome. The process of recording the locations of a sequence of four DNA nucleotides representing a single plain-text character, then returning a single randomly chosen position, will enable us to assemble a file of random pointers of the locations of the four DNA nucleotides in the searched Canis Families genome. We call the file containing the randomly selected position in the searchable DNA strand for each plain text character, the ciphered text. Since there is negligible correlation between the pointers file obtained from the selected genome, with its inherently massive storing capabilities, and the plain-text characters, the method, we believe, is robust against any type of cipher attacks.

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