Compositional Schedulability Analysis of Workflow using Timing Constraint Petri Nets

P. Li, Q. Gu, K. Cao, D. Chen (PRC), and J. Zhu (USA)


Workflow modeling, Timing constraints Petri nets, Reach ability, Compositional schedulability, TCPN-PIPE2


The schedulability analysis is important in workflow mod eling. This paper presents a new approach to the schedu lability analysis of individual transition or transition se quences in Time constraint Petri nets (TCPNs). The reach ability of markings can also be checked based on the schedulability analysis. If a specific transition sequence is schedulable, the corresponding task sequence can com plete its execution successfully; otherwise, nonschedulable transitions should be pinpointed to help adjust timing con straints. A technique for compositional timing analysis is also proposed to deal with complex transition sequences, which improves efficiency of analysis. We have also con structed an automated tool: TCPN-PIPE2 to facilitate the schedulability analysis of workflow.

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