Development of Computer Aided Measurement Tools for Software Functional Size Measurement: An Ontology Driven Approach

E.V. Bévo Wandji and G. Lévesque (Canada)


Software metrics, functional size, computer aided measurement tools, ontology, cognitive model.


Developing Computer Aided Measurement tools for software functional size measurement methods, is considered by many measurement methods experts and users, a promising issue to address a good number of problems facing measurement methods today for example subjectivity due to interpretation of measure-ment rules, tiresome character of the task, limited number of experts for the various measurement methods, etc.. One of the major challenges when developing such measurement tools is of cognitive nature and more specifically of ontological nature: specific knowledge related to measurement procedures should be identified and formalized. Formalizing identified knowledge can be done within the framework of ontologies specific to measurement procedures: This is known as ontological formalization of measurement procedures [1]. Such formalization has the advantage of unifying and standardizing the comprehension of measurement procedures by both experts and measurement methods users. Thus, developing Computer Aided Measurement tools on the basis of the formalization, guarantees solid theoretical and consensual basis for developed tools. In this article, we present an approach entitled ontology driven approach, for such developments. This approach is based on a cognitive model describing the software functional size measurement process. A general framework for Computer Aided Measurement tools developed according to the approach is included as guideline for tool developers.

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