Consistency Checking between Two Different Dynamic Views of a Software System

W. Shen and W.L. Low (USA)


state chart diagram, sequence diagram, message passing, UML


Complexity is the distinguishing characteristic of modern software. A software model designed by the Unified Mod eling Language often consists of a set of UML diagrams. Particularly, the dynamic aspect of a software system can be modelled by state chart diagrams and sequence dia grams. But, inconsistencies between these two diagrams such as different message orders hinder the understanding of the dynamic behavior of a model, thus possibly causing a final system to failure. In this paper, we propose to build a message graph from a state chart diagram and then go through the graph based on the sequence of the messages retrieved from a sequence diagram to find any inconsis tency between these two diagrams. Based on this method, a tool called ICER is developed to provide software devel opers with automatic consistency checking in the dynamic aspects of a model.

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