Parallelization of Multimedia Applications on the Multi-Level Computing Architecture

U. Aydonat and T.S. Abdelrahman (Canada)


parallel-embedded systems; compiler optimizations, priva tization, parallelism enhancement.


The Multi-Level Computing Architecture (MLCA) is a novel parallel System-on-a-Chip architecture targeted for multi media applications. It features a top level controller that au tomatically extracts task level parallelism using techniques similar to how instruction level parallelism is extracted by superscalar processors. This allows the MLCA to support a simple programming model that is similar to sequential pro gramming. In order to assist programmers to easily and effi ciently port multimedia applications to the MLCA program ming model, a compilation environment is designed. This compilation environment enhances parallelism in MLCA programs by applying three simple code transformations that are based on known compiler optimizations. In this pa per, we describe the MLCA architecture, its programming model, its compilation environment and an evaluation of its performance. Our experimental evaluation with three real multimedia applications and an MLCA simulator shows that the MLCA is a viable architecture and scaling speedups can be obtained using the compilation environment with little programmer effort.

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