Analytical Framework for Jerk Minimization in a Single-Link Biomechanical Model with Feedback Delays

A. Roy and K. Iqbal (USA)


Jerk minimization, single-link biomechanical model, PID control, feedback delays.


In this paper we present analytical results for minimization of average jerk in the execution of point-to point movement of a single-link inverted pendulum-based biomechanical model under proportional-integral derivative (PID) control. A model of human neuro musculoskeletal system was earlier developed that included dual position and velocity feedback from muscle spindles, and force feedback from Golgi tendon organ, with neural transmission delays included in the modeling of proprioceptive loops. In this paper we extend the earlier results on characterization of stabilizing PID controllers to include additional criteria involving minimization of jerk during execution of voluntary movement when the reference trajectory is a ramp or a sigmoid function. Our analytical and simulation results show that jerk minimization is a viable and simple strategy for selection of stabilizing PID gains for the single-link biomechanical model.

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