A Scalable Approach to IP Anycast Security

A. Pathak and D. Sanghi (India)


IP Anycast, GC.


Anycast is vulnerable to security attacks such as denial of service, theft of service etc. The client which requests for service through anycast, can not verify the authenticity of the responding server. Also, any node can advertise itself to be a member of the anycast group. The router does not have a mechanism to verify the authenticity of the node which claims to be member of the anycast group. We propose a scalable and secure model for anycast communication. Our model is based on a single entity in the network that controls the group management of the anycast group and also helps clients to verify membership of a particular node. We show that our model achieves the security standards required by IP anycasting while being scalable. We define additional secure anycast protocol features and show that our model achieves these set of additional features.

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