A Classification of Security Patterns for the Transactions Between a Requester, an Intermediary, and a Web-Service

J. Muñoz Arteaga, R. Mendoza González, F.J. Álvarez (Mexico), and M. Vargas Martín (Canada)


Web-service, security model, and security patterns.


It is very important to have a security model to try to avoid the security risks related with the transactions between a Requester and a Web-service. Nevertheless, the design of this model can be difficult because many security techniques exist. The use of patterns can ease the design of the security model and the selection of the involved elements. However, as far as we know, there are not specific classifications of security patterns available as the one we propose in this paper. We propose a classification of security patterns for the transactions between a Requester, an intermediary, and a Web-service.

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