A Robust Image Watermarking Method to Geometric Attacks

K. Okada and S. Wada (Japan)


Watermark, Wavelet, Log-Polar, Geometric Attack, Security Image Processing


The embedding digital signature in image invisibly to protect from geometric and data compression modifications are an important issue. In this paper, a robust image watermarking method to geometric attacks is proposed. The proposed method has the robustness to geometric distortions such as rotation, scaling and translation. In the embedding process, a valuable wavelet transform is used to become an invisible watermark system. The log-polar transform and autocorrelation are used to estimate the geometric distortions, and the watermark is detected in the wavelet transform domain in the extraction process. In the simulations, the effectiveness of our method is demonstrated. The robustness to the geometric attacks and JPEG compression is examined. The performance with respect to bit error rate characteristics and degradation of image quality is also evaluated.

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