Knee Stabilizers with Adaptable Kinematics for the Functional Treatment of Periarticular Fractures - Clinical, Experimental Research and Computer Simulation

W. Choromanski, G. Dobrzynski, M. Kaszynski, and J. Deszczynski (Poland)


Orthopaedics, knee fracture, external stabilizer, functional treatment.


This paper presents an orthopedic stabilizer to be used for treating periarticular fractures of the knee joint. The design of the device is documented by experimental research of knee joint kinematics. Experimental and simulation research suggest the use of a four-bar linkage mechanism. This research has also made it possible to define the range of adjustment needed to adapt the stabilizer kinematics to the individual properties of the patient. A sensitivity analysis points to the fact that the stabilizer must be positioned very precisely during installation. The stage of prototype construction was preceded by the design of a virtual model using a CAD system. The stabilizer makes it possible to move the lower leg relative to the thigh throughout the treatment. Stabilizer tests performed on artificial models of knee joints have proved that it works correctly. This paper also presents the results of the first clinical trials of the stabilizer.

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