Multilayered High-Capacity Reversible Data Embedding

Y.-L. Tang and H.-T. Huang (Taiwan)


Reversible data embedding, histogram manipulation, and histogram stretching


Digital watermarking is a key ingredient to multimedia protection. However, most existing techniques distort the original content as a side effect of watermark embedding. To overcome such a problem, reversible data embedding has been introduced and is growing rapidly. In reversible data embedding, the original content can be completely restored after the removal of the watermark, and it is very useful to protect the images that require high visual quality such as legal or medical images. In this paper, we propose a novel multilayered reversible data embedding algorithm based on histogram stretching. Histogram stretching is employed to produce extra space for data embedding, and such redundancy in an image is exploited to achieve very high embedding capacity. In addition, with multilayered embedding, the embedding process is able to achieve even higher capacity. The proposed algorithm was implemented and tested on various standard grayscale images. Evidently, the experimental results demonstrated a promising outcome.

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