uFlow: A Pragmatic Model for Tasks of Home Service Robots

S.-I. Lee, S.-H. Kim, W.-Y. Kwon, and J.-B. Kim (Korea)


Robot, Home services, Task description model, Language


This paper presents the task description model uFlow and its language for the service-oriented autonomous robot WeverR2. The description is focused on two issues: Re quirements analysis and design of task description model. The WeverR2 a robotic platform for researching various issues related to providing diverse services to humans es pecially in a home environment. For the robot to provide services to humans adequately, we first analyze the inher ent nature of home services and derive the requirements for describing the services. After that, we present the task de scription model that captures well the requirements. A pre liminary experiment is conducted to show the usefulness of the task description model uFlow

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