A Handheld/Server based Assistance System for Tourists with Special Needs

C. Stiller, F. Roβ, and H. Witte (Germany)


Computer Networks and Communications, Assistance Sys tem, Location Aware Services, Special Needs, Tourism


As the number of elderly and handicapped people in our society increases more and more it is important to take into account the special needs of these user groups. Most tasks of daily life can be achieved through learning recur ring procedures. But new and unknown situations reveal problems most people with bodily limitations can not han dle. This keeps most of these people from participating in holiday, leisure time and educational activities. This paper proposes a handheld/server based assistance system, which offers users with special needs access to recreational activ ities. Therefore it takes account of the needs of the user by including a scalable and easy to use user interface, a rout ing algorithm that evaluates barriers and the possibility to add medical observation as well as an emergency system.

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