Automatization based on Artificial Intelligence

P. Ponce Cruz, F.L. Pontecorvo, C. Tena, K.C. Muñoz, D.Y. Valencia, G.I. Salazar, M.A. Rojas, M. Paz (Mexico)


automatization, Hydroponic, aeropony, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic. 1. OBJECTIVE, GOALS AND JUSTIFICATION 1.1 OBJECTIVE The Objective of this project is to design a Fuzzy Logic System to control and automatize a hydroponic lettuce greenhouse. 1.2 GOALS  To familiarize with the knowledge related with fuzzy logic.  Implement the lettuce crop fuzzy logic system.  Choose the proper tools and materials to develop the fuzzy logic system.  Choose the ideal configuration for the


In this document, an application of a Fuzzy Logic system is made in the hydroponic field. The control variables will be: temperature, humidity and light intensity, inside a greenhouse with lettuce crops. We expect that our country, Mexico, in the near future could be competitive in this field as is Japan, Holland, Spain and Canada are at this moment.

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