Multi-Carrier Wideband Radio Channels over Frequency-Selective Fading

V.M. Hinostroza (Mexico)


Chirp, frequency selective fading, multi-carrier modulation and impulse response


This work presents the study of the effect of frequency selective fading on multi carrier wideband signals in three different environments; the revision was made over measurements carried out with a sounder with a 300 MHz bandwidth, which generated channel impulse responses 100 times each second. A description of the sounder parameters and the sounded environments are given. The 300 MHz bandwidth was divided in segments as small as 60 kHz to perform the estimate of frequency selective fading. Sub channels of 20 MHz for OFDM systems and 5 MHz for WCDMA were evaluated. Plots are provided for a number of sub channels, bands and locations in three different environments. It is also shown how the variation of the signal level due to frequency selective fading is within certain limits with respect the frequency separation on the bandwidth. Statistical analysis was performed to the results.

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