Parabolic Equation Modelling of Line-of-Sight Microwave Propagation

R. Akbarpour and A.R. Webster (Canada)


Microwave propagation, modeling, multipath fading, delays


This experimental microwave link was operated for several consecutive years in Ontario during the fading season, May to September [8]. Regularly recurring features during the fading periods included strong elevated rays due to the occurrence of elevated layers, and somewhat a weaker elevated main ray on occasion associated with a ground-based layer. Weak ground reflected rays were also evident. An example of severe fading is shown in Fig. 1 in which the early fading (before about 01.00) is consistent with the occurrence of a ground based layer resulting in a weak elevated main ray interacting with ground reflected rays. Later, up until dawn, the fading seems to be associated with elevated layers where a more-or-less normal direct ray is accompanied by several elevated rays. A parabolic equation approach is used to examine the performance of an experimental line-of-sight tropospheric microwave link in the presence of atmospheric layers. Simulations are presented to show the propagation effects on angle-of-arrival, amplitude and time delay of individual ray components at the receiving antenna under anomalous multipath propagation.

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