Measurements of External Partial Discharges of a Solid Dielectric in Air

D.D. Dimitriadou, A.D. Polykrati, P.T. Tsarabaris, A.A.P. Paraskevopoulos, C.G. Karagiannopolous, and P.D. Bourkas (Greece)


Η.Τ G CHBreakdown phenomena, partial discharges, potential step, solid – gas dielectric. um


In this work, high voltage pulses of the form 1.2/50µs were applied on a metal tip-solid dielectric- metal plate combination in the air. The recording of partial discharges in air is a difficult process because the molecules of gasses are volatile and agile. The outbreak of partial discharges above a threshold electric field on the above combination may come as the result of impact ionization and affects the dielectric ageing procedure. In order to record the partial discharges through the potential steps at the oscillographs, the circuit shown in Figure 1 was used.

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