Using OLAP Techniques to Query and Analyze Learning Objects Digital Libraries

C.B. Baruque and R.N. Melo (Brazil)


Digital library, data warehousing, OLAP, learning objects, e-learning


The LO-DL (Learning Objects Digital Library) Project is being developed at PUC-Rio in the Database Tecnology Lab (TECBD). This Project aims at integrating LOs repositories through their metadata in a uniform catalog or Digital Libray (DL), making it transparent to the users their locations and characteristics. In [1] we proposed a new approach for developing DLs using Data Warehousing Architecture, which is a method that addresses the main issues of DL development. We make comparisons between the components and services of both the Data Warehousing and the “Digital Librarying” Architectures. In this paper we will particularly describe how the digital library can be queried and analyzed, using the OLAP technique. OLAP allows the use of navigation techniques in the search for LOs and the catalogue (DW) visualization. Additionally, it permits the LOs searching using a diverse combination of metadata elements (as the dimensions of the DW) and last, but not least, the analysis of the LO-DL in order to improve the quality of the library content and services. Finally some illustrations of the use and analysis of the DL are also presented.

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