A Framework for Supporting e-Learning in Higher Education Institutions

F. Woo (PRC)


Adoption of e-learning, diffusion of innovations, ITIL and CMM.


Despite the obvious advantages brought forth by e learning, its degree of adoption within a university and among universities varies to a great extent. Teachers are found to be important decision makers in the adoption of e-learning but we also need to consider the institutional strategies supporting its adoption and the acceptance by students. The present study found that major adoption stages in institutions include: evaluation, pilot, customization and institutionalization and a framework is required to facilitate teachers and students along each stage of the adoption. By cross-referencing the well known Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework and Capability Maturity Model (CMM), an e-learning support framework is proposed so that institutions can use it to reduce risk and increase the chance of success in their adoption of e-learning.

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